Other Ways to Donate

Employee giving

Matching gifts and workplace giving programs are two ways to increase the impact of your donation to Access Alaska. Matching gift programs will double or even triple the impact of your personal contribution. See if your company matches donations. Contact your Human Resources department to ask if there is a matching program.

Participate in Your Workplace Giving Campaign

Access Alaska participates in the world’s largest and most successful workplace charity campaign, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Through the CFC, as well as state and local campaigns, government workers support Access Alaska through payroll deductions.

Pledges made during the annual campaign season (September 1 to December 15) help us fund independent living for seniors and adults who experience disabilities. If you’re a federal government or military employee and you’d like to give to Access Alaska through the CFC, please enter CFC# on your pledge card during the next campaign.

Planned Giving

Your gift matters. Generosity comes in many forms, and it’s often the best way for you to support important causes that matter the most to you in your life. When you give to Access Alaska, you help us make a difference.


  • How to Change Your Will
    Life changes. The will you created years ago, or even just last year, may not reflect your current wishes and circumstances. But just because you need to update your will does not mean you need a whole new one.

    Changes can be made to your will through a codicil. This should be prepared by a qualified attorney to ensure it is legal and lasting. A codicil amends your will, leaving all but the changed portion intact.

  • Use your Will to Create a Legacy
    One reason people may wish to change their will is to include gifts to the organizations and places you care about. If you are interested in supporting Access Alaska, simply contact your attorney to make your gift

    Note: Some life changes, such as a move to a different state or a change in marital status, may require a new will to be written. Your estate planning attorney can help you decide which option works best for your situation.


AmazonSmile offers the same products, prices and service Amazon, but with an added bonus to your charity of choice. Buying through AmazonSmile guarantees that 0.5% of your eligible purchase total is automatically donated to Access Alaska.

Charity Charge

When you use your Charity Charge World MasterCard, 1% of your purchases support the programs of Access Alaska. The card has no annual fee and the donations to Access Alaska are tax-deductible. Your Charity Charge purchases can help seniors and people who experience a disability live a vibrant life.