David Jacobson Family Endowment Fund

Purpose: The David Jacobson Family Endowment Fund was established to improve delivery of Access Alaska’s Independent Living services through improved staff capability. The David Jacobson Endowment Fund is consistent with Access Alaska’s mission and philosophy of Independent Living as it provides funding for activities that will encourage peer cross-training, collaboration, and retention of Access Alaska’s employees. This fund was initiated in February 2013.

The David Jacobson Family Endowment Fund is not part of our general endowment fund and is restricted to funding training and other activities that improve Access Alaska staff capabilities.

Use of the funds are determined by a committee comprised of the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Access Alaska Independent Living Advocates.

Your generous donations go towards the principle endowment of the fund increasing the funds overall earning potential.

Donate to the David Jacobson Family Endowment Fund

*All funds managed in accordance with Access Alaska’s Investment Management Policy.