John Stripe Memorial FUND

Purpose : This fund was established in September 2007 by the Access Alaska Board of Directors to formulate and oversee a means to permanently honor John Stripe’s passion for community advocacy.  The John Stripe Memorial Fund was established with a special focus on improving community awareness of the accessibility needs of people with disabilities.

The John Stripe Memorial Fund is not part of our general endowment fund and is restricted to funding activities that create and improve community awareness of the accessibility needs of people with disabilities.

Use of the funds are determined by a committee comprised of the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and the Access Alaska board of Directors.

Your generous donations go towards funding activities that create and improve community awareness of the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in the State of Alaska.  By creating awareness of these needs, we can create advocates at all levels of society that work towards removing the barriers to truly independent living.  John Stripe was truly a “Wounded Healer” who’s greatest role was in advocacy, shown through his testimony at numerous legislative hearings, annual participation in the Key Campaign, marching with the National Coalition of Independent Living and taking part in the annual ADA celebrations in Anchorage.     

Donate to the John Stripe Memorial Fund

*All funds managed in accordance with Access Alaska’s Investment Management Policy.