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In pursuit of our mission, we offer a wide range of services designed to give Alaskans with disabilities the tools and resources they need to improve independence, self-confidence, knowledge, skills and access to community resources. We also work at the community level to reduce attitudinal, architectural and communication barriers, combat discrimination, and promote the development of needed resources, programs, and policies. Our ultimate goal is increased independence, economic opportunity, and enhanced quality of life for all Alaskans with disabilities.



This is the starting point for first time users of any of Access Alaska’s services. Access Alaska can answer questions and provide information about disability and senior related services including housing, employment, personal care, benefits, transportation, legal rights, education, emergency shelter, health care, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Independent Living Skills Training is a core service provided to support people with disabilities so they can live independently in the community.Training is determined on an individual basis depending on needs which promote an independent lifestyle, and includes one or more of the following areas: Personal care assistance management, Orientation/ mobility for the blind and low vision services, Budgeting, Orientation to public transportation system, Daily living skills, Assistive technology use, Self empowerment, Nutrition, Home Safety, and Pre-employment


Deinstitutionalization services for individuals who are presently residing in an institutional setting such as a nursing home are provided. We assist people to obtain the services they need to transition from more restrictive settings to reside in the community of their choice.


Access Alaska provides space and staff to facilitate, encourage and support peer counseling groups including Multiple Sclerosis Peer Support, Visually Impaired / Blind Peer Support Group, Head Injury Peer Support Group, AND Parent, Family and Caregiver Support Group. In addition to providing facilitators and space for the meetings, Access Alaska can offer information and support and sometimes transportation arrangements for participants.


Access Alaska assists consumers to take action on their own behalf (self-advocacy) to support their access to the goods, services and service providers in their communities. Systems Advocacy is also provided, in order to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are protected. Advocacy efforts are initiated to respond to proposed legislative changes and/or the need for increased funding and services to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Community participation becomes a key element in maintaining and preventing changes to important laws which protect individuals with disabilities.




Persons with any type of physical or mental impairment that significantly impacts their ability to live independently in the home and community are eligible for our services. Information and referral services are available to anyone, regardless of disability status, including friends and family, the business community, and the general public. Some services do have other eligibility requirements.